
Sex education for girls in schools and for children

Monday, September 30, 2013 0 comments
Sex education for girls
1. There are lots of benefits of this education for girls. Sex education in schools is being given increasing importance as it is known to inform students about issues related to sex. It is considered important for societies that its individuals are well-informed about sex, sexual practices, child sexual abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. They should be incorporated even in the old-fashioned societies and must not be ignored.
2. Girls are taught to feel ashamed of their sexual organs and all the things related to them.
3. They are not allowed to speak about giving birth, conceiving and contraception. This attitude can be changed by this education for girls. They should get their regular checkups done and visit the gynecologists very regularly. This can help in the prevention of cervical cancer.
4. The girls should not be underestimated. There are many young people who often have sex before their marriages. They do not have any kind of this education and they hide it from their surroundings and parents.
5. There is a great possibility of developing a sexually transmitted disease as they are not aware of the protective measures and contraceptives.
6. In the same way, if girls are not aware of sex, it may result into unwanted pregnancy.
7. However they then end up going to chemists in search of some medication or abortion pills for getting rid of the baby
8. There are also pills like "mensurole" which are used for starting the stopped menstruation. No prescription is required. One should take it on own risk.
9. Many girls without proper knowledge go to doctors for abortion and this is often done in unhygienic conditions and hidden from the family. They are not at all aware of what they are doing. It is extremely risky and many of the cases have resulted into death.

Sex education in schools
1. A significant role is played by the schools in imparting education to the children and adolescents.
2. It is shown by research that with effective this education for children, there is a possibility of pushing back at the age at which an experiment with sex is made by adolescents.
3. These programs also have a potential for encouraging the youngsters to use protection while they have their first sexual experience.
4. There are many schools in the suburbs and cities that have come up with innovative hygiene and health workshops. They deal with the issues such as using sanitary napkins and health foods.
5. Sex education for children is still a controversial issue. However, sex education in schools is extremely important.

by Vanni Jain

Adhd Treatment For Children - How To Choose The Best Option For Your Child

Friday, September 27, 2013 0 comments
Discovering adhd treatment for children can be rather confusing and perplexing especially for the parent or guardian who is not that familiar with this very common disorder. Nevertheless there are treatment options available today that go above and beyond the usual stimulant and non-stimulant medications that are so surrounded by controversy thanks to the negative publicity they have attained in the media. The controversy is not misplaced even though there are a significant number of children around the world who do respond favorably and encouragingly to drugs like Ritalin, Adderall, and Strattera. However, for a large number of children the side-effects of these drugs (and the side-effects of others that are also used in the treatment of this disorder) prove to be too much. Parents may choose to have their child cease taking the medication and to investigate alternative treatment options.

Unfortunately, as with the conventional ADHD medications, alternative treatments have also had their share of controversy. Usually scepticism arises from the healthcare provider who feels that to treat this disorder without ADHD medications is futile and useless. Many parents are left feeling as though they are grasping at straws and doing their child a disservice by considering alternative treatments. This is very unfortunate, because alternative treatments such as homeopathic remedies, therapy, behavioral modification, diet, and parental training have proven to be very effective according to a number of reliable studies that have been conducted. In fact, these studies have produced very interesting results and nowadays more and more people are choosing to consider other treatment options, including some healthcare professionals and mental health experts who regularly encounter patients with ADHD.

In order for a treatment for adhd to be effective it has to benefit the child, leading to a better quality of life and better academic and social performance. It has to be able to combat the symptoms of the disorder, depending upon which type of ADHD the child may have been diagnosed with. For the child who is suspected of having this disorder the process of diagnosis is a very long and drawn-out one that oftentimes spans six months or more. A doctor who diagnoses ADHD after a single consultation should not be considered, because this is a behavioral disorder that requires extensive observation and analysis. This process and procedure will involve numerous experts and adults who come into regular contact with the child. The process plays out as follows:

1. Interviews

The parents, family, and educators of the child will be interviewed by the mental health expert or healthcare provider regarding child's behavior. Parents can expect to have to provide a detailed medical history of the child as well as of the immediate family members because ADHD is believed to be a genetic disorder.

2. Medical Examination

The child will have to undergo a physical examination that might include lab tests to determine underlying medical issues that could account for the apparent ADHD behavior and symptoms. Some medical issues can produce symptoms that mimic the symptoms of ADHD and these have to be ruled out if a trustworthy and reliable diagnosis is to be made.

3. The Symptoms and Behaviors

Parents and teachers will be questioned regarding the child's behavior and symptoms. It must be determined that the child has exhibited the behaviors and symptoms for an extended period of time and in a number of settings. Sometimes upsets or upheavals in the child's life can produce temporary behavior that could be misconstrued as being indicative of the disorder. The symptoms also need to have been present and noticeable for at least six months or more. Because there is no single test to determine whether a child has ADHD or not it can be a difficult process for all concerned.

4. Diagnosis and Treatment

Once the child has been observed and evaluated the mental health professional will then render his or her diagnosis. If the child is found to be ADHD treatment for adhd will then be discussed with the parents or guardians of the child. Most doctors do not hesitate in prescribing stimulant medication in the form of Ritalin or Adderall, among others. If these do not suit the child in various dosages, non-stimulant drugs, like Strattera, will be prescribed. All ADHD medications, whether stimulant or non-stimulant, do come with the possibility of side-effects that can be rather dangerous and alarming.

Along with medication the mental health expert will also implement a therapy program to teach the child ways of coping with the symptoms. This therapy should also involve the parents so that they know how to respond to the behaviors their child exhibits. Parental training has proven to be a very effective means of coping with this disorder and in some parts of the world it is the first step in treating the child, with medications coming last and considered only when all else has failed.

by V K Rajagopalan

Toys for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Friday, September 20, 2013 0 comments
Parents of children with cerebral palsy need to be encouraged to play with their children. In fact, children who do not have access to the play experience can be negatively impacted in their development, overall health and both their physical and mental well-being. The same is true for children with spina bifida and muscular dystrophy and those who experience a whole host of muscular and skeletal challenges.

The good news is that there are current toys out there that can fit the bill or that might just need a little modification to make them appropriate. Finding these play products gives parents the ability to delight and inspire a child with cerebral palsy and encourage a connection to play.

So what should parents, family or caregivers look for when they are shopping for the kid in their life with some special needs? Ellen Metrick, Chief Toy Evaluator of AblePlay, a website devoted to connecting children with cerebral palsy and other disabilities to appropriate toys, offers some advice. “There are really two perspectives parents can take when shopping for the child in their life with special needs. First, they can look for toys that are geared to the abilities he or she currently has, or secondly, they can look for toys that will move the child towards the abilities she or he is working towards. Both are valid ways to begin the search for play products.”

What might be some elements within those categories that a parent might also want to look for?

Toys that provide stability for the child. Children with cerebral palsy might have limited mobility and body control and need toys that are solid and stable. Fortunately, there are swings and ride-ons in the marketplace that can provide core support to a child. These products let kids enjoy the incredible freedom of both swinging through the air and riding into the wind (either self-propelled or pushed). Metrick encourages these play products by reminding parents, “Sometimes it is the best therapy to get a kid outside and doing an activity other kids enjoy. Swings and bikes are among my absolute favorites for just that reason. “

Outside play sets are another great option. Parents should make sure they purchase one that is built well and provides stability for the child. If the child is in a wheelchair, make sure the play set openings are wide enough to accommodate a child, has activities that can be reached, and includes any support they may need.

Toys that are stable themselves. Look for toys that can fit securely on a wheelchair top or that have suction cups, rubber or Velcro on them to increase stability. Metrick also advises, “Adding non-skid adhesive strips to the bottom of a toy is a quick, easy way to make it stable and allow a child to easily manipulate it.” Toys that are inflatable and can have some air taken out can increase a child’s ability to grasp it. Drawing materials and crayons now come in ball and triangle shapes that make it easier for a child to use and enjoy. Metrick advises parents to take the time to search a little, since there are lots of great options out there for kids of all abilities.

by Raiko Mendoza

Multivitamin supplementation for children

Friday, September 13, 2013 0 comments
Children need more vitamins than adults. Good health based on energy intake starts from the first moments of our existence and lasts a lifetime. Development of bones, teeth, enhanced memory and rapid growth requires additional intake of minerals and vitamins. Otherwise, there are deficiencies, with multiple consequences such as sequelae of rickets, weak immune system, chronic fatigue, etc., all affecting the growth and development of children. A correct diet ensures normal and harmonious development of body, growing health, resistance of environmental factors, intellectual and physical capacity, and greater longevity forward.

Infant alimentation is far from ideal though this age need a rational and appropriate food intake. In case of inadequate food consumption, quantitative and qualitative, there is a risk that the body does not receive the vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal development and regeneration. Major imbalances may cause serious problems in the development and normal growth of children and also can influence greatly future adult health.

In addition, external factors (stress, artificial light, environmental pollution, ionizing radiation, food preservatives, medicines, etc.) increase vitamin needs for growing bodies. The main purpose of alimentation is to eliminate hunger and to ensure the expulsion of nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts necessary for optimal body functioning.

The most modern product containing vitamin D, made especially for children, Lion Kids + vitamin D is ideal for them, because vitamin D regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and ensure permanent presence of sufficient amounts of substances that make up bone, prevents rickets, whose main symptoms are abnormalities of the teeth, painful deformity of the bones, slowing growth.
Our children are very active and should pay special attention to healthy development of bones that underlies the locomotor status in adulthood. Also a physical and mental health allows him to have greater results in school and a better chance of integration in modern society dominated by the competitive spirit. It is recommended to offer our children all year round modern multi-vitamins containing vitamin D, to be sure that we have created the optimal physical and mental development for them.

It's never too early to start a healthy life. A strong and healthy child is better in school, both physically and mentally. Do not make compromises when it comes to development and health of your baby! Give them all the best! Chewable tablets are gladly accepted by children because of their form of animals and the good taste.
Modern life and its fast pace often cause both us and our children to have a poor diet: fast-food products, fizzy drinks, crisps, chocolate and other sweets consumed too much fall the opportunity to develop healthy bones and teeth especially in children.

Strong and healthy kids give a physical and intellectual efficiency much higher in school activities, then integrating well in the competitive system. Lion Kids with Vitamin D CaliVita is a quality product, made especially for children, to ensure vitamins and minerals that children need so much. This supplement contains vitamins A, E, C and B, and vitamin D.

Vitamin D interferes with calcium absorption and fixation in bone mass. Vitamin D deficiency occurs mostly in fall and winter and lowers calcium uptake and utilization, leading to a slight deformation of bones, under the influence of mechanical factors (weight, traction, small injuries), and the occurrence of typical signs of rickets: bone demineralization, sweating, lack of or decrease in muscle strength, digestive disorders. Children with vitamin D deficiency are tired, have a big belly, have a low resistance to infection and give low efficiency in daily activities.

by Stefania Constantin

Need to Know About the Exercise Equipment for Children

Friday, September 6, 2013 0 comments
The focus on children's fitness equipment has intensified since 1990 as study after study have warned parents about the dangers of childhood obesity. The U.S.Department of Education reports that several state education agencies have begun sending home fitness report cards. Obesity contributes to physical health problems including heart disease, kidney problems and joint pain. Obesity in children may lead to the early onset of Type 2 diabetes. Children's exercise equipment provides a measure of solution for worried parents and concerned physicians, but it's important that the exercise equipment focuses on the needs of children.

Some parents go further by buying "children's" fitness equipment. This equipment looks just like the treadmills, elliptical machines and recumbent bikes that mom and dad can use at the gym, but are sized for children and cheerfully colored.

Usually, when we heard fitness equipment, we always associate with adults and never thought about the benefits for children. But with the current day and age where almost everything is based on convenience, more and more children are playing computer games and TV shows combined. This has caused a worldwide health problem increases as the number of overweight children.

Fortunately, you can prevent obesity and the best way to fight is the exercise. Kids need to be active and have all the physical activities they can get. Kids fitness equipment is designed specifically for children, to use that are more secure. They provide more balance to your body in rapid growth and offer motivational features easy to use to move more enjoyable. Today there are more fitness equipment for kids to choose from, including treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, stepper, rowing machines and much more.

Most exercise equipment designed specifically for children is self-powered, but these repetitive motion cardio machines are fun for kids for such a short time that they are not worth the overall cost. Adult exercise equipment shrunk to child size does not make it a child's exercise device. Children's muscle development is different from adult muscle development; children are still developing bones and growing. These concerns are not addressed by standard cardiovascular equipment and parents should be aware that the basic functions that this equipment offers is all surface and may not provide the long-term reduction of risk factors they are seeking.

Physical education instructors, parents and teachers need to ask themselves if the children's exercise equipment is fun. Children enjoy doing fun things. They will run all day on a playground if they are out with their friends. They will play in the swimming pool for hours because it's fun. They will ride their bikes and hike in the woods, if it's fun. Kids will dance aerobically on a dance pad in the living room, if it's fun. While repetitive motion exercises may not be fun, getting kids to exercise means finding what they enjoy and letting them have fun.

by Matt Scooner