
Sports are necessary for children

Sunday, March 31, 2013 0 comments
Sports are necessary for children. This axiom is very actual presently. The bad ecology and an inactive way of life, the big congestion at school and frequent illnesses … gives Children's sports not only health, it forms at children purposefulness, confidence of the forces, ability to overcome an obstacle in a course of life.

But many parents don't hasten to give children to sections and sports schools, after all often it assumes very much a busy schedule of trainings when all to be in time? Here for those children who doesn't want or can't go in for sports it will be professional the best exit children's fitness. What is such? Than differs from Kindergarten and school physical culture and, the most important thing where the such give?)

Children's fitness means physical preparation of children from 1 till 15 years. Such service in Russia rather and already uses recently sufficient popularity. Non-standard and balanced according to age, hobbies and physical features of employment will do good to children of a different warehouse of character: passive â€" will give the chance to open new energy, they will have a vitality; hyperactive â€" will settle processes of bright emotional splashes, will teach harmonious distribution of power expenses; whimsical - will help to feel force of own body, to become more hardy and on another to declare itself in this world.

Children's fitness is first of all other technique. After all in gardens and program schools. Preparations aren't corrected by decades. Fitness Technologies always kept up to date (institutes, conventions and seminars). Therefore employment of children's fitness so are unlike habitual physical culture from which always it would be desirable to slip away in any way (and after all at many people this dislike for sports long in all life!).

And when is better to begin? Since three or four years? And can at school? Children and so it is constant in movement? But, as it is found out, modern kids very much don't have physical activity. The small apartments which have been not equipped for walks court yard, and in gardens as parents often complain, aren't present conditions for high-grade physical development. The V-general, with fitness it is better to make friends as soon as possible: in a year â€" ones and a half. Such schools of development habitual for us â€" the excellent variant, only accent in employment for the smallest should be on movement. After all it is proved that intellectual development goes after physical and emotional. Exercises together with mum, fitbol-gymnastics under special music, massage paths and fascinating "obstacle courses" - pledge of that your child will start to be engaged at school of development with pleasure and success!

Children of 3-4 years are engaged already independently, in the company of the same young sportsmen and under the direction of skilled instructors. Fitness for them is game, a fairy tale. Simple and useful exercises are given in the form of a fairy tale, musical game.

by Alex Frendly

The Significance of Chiropractic Care for Children

Wednesday, March 27, 2013 0 comments
The Significance of Chiropractic Care for Children

Children are amazing little human beings who are constantly growing and developing.

They typically don’t have all the common problems of adults like arthritis, old injuries, bad posture habits and illnesses but they can have little bumps along the road to adulthood that can set them back. And nowadays parents are more concerned than ever about detrimental medications effects have on their children. More often parents are asking once their child is handed by a prescription for a reoccurring problem â€" “Isn’t there any safer alternative treatment?”
If you observe your child and notice that he/she is crying or exhibits fussiness that can last over hours or days, he/she has a condition referred to “Colic”. Colic is characterized by problems of loud piercing cry, tensed abdominal muscles, flexed legs as well as clenched fingers. Generally it starts around three weeks of age and lasts until around three months yet sometimes lasts for as long as six months. Indeed, from the very beginning in the womb, babies can find themselves in less than ideal positions that put stress and strain on a developing musculoskeletal system. Some babies endure pulling, twisting and turning as doctors assist in their birth process. Toddlers are at a high risk for spinal cord treatment as half of them have been accidentally dropped within the first year of their lives causing spinal subluxations misalignment of the vertebrae causing nerve pressure or irritation.

There is preventative health care that helps children’s bodies function as close to their human potential while identifying and treating small problems early before they develop into larger ones as they grow. Chiropractic Care for Children is gentle, conservative and highly successful option for treating infants with colic and misalignments. Chiropractic adjustments for infants are also specific, gentle and safe. Children chiropractic care is a natural science neither stimulates nor inhibits body function but gradually allows normal body function to take place properly once again.
Keep in mind that trying to soothe a colicky baby may interfere with mother-baby bonding and can increase the risk of postpartum depression. Thus, colicky babies are more likely to be victims of shaken baby syndrome and child abuse. Many parents are cautious of taking their small, young babies to see a chiropractic doctor due to being the “snap, cackle and pop” sociology that chiropractor invokes. But on the contrary and reality, chiropractic care can be very valuable in helping to calm the colic tendencies.

Chiropractors like Chiropractors in New Hope are specialized in the direction and correction of subluxations and restore the normal function of nervous system without performing invasive procedures. Children generally respond to the treatment much faster than most adults and often necessitate fewer sessions to achieve desired results.

Some childhood conditions that may be improved with chiropractic care include ADHD, Autism/Behavioral/Learning disorders, bed wetting, colds, constipation, ear infection, sleep disorders, speech problems, and scoliosis, stuttering and facial symmetry. Why not visit: or call (763) 234-8775.

by Kyle Hagel

Indian NGO Plays a Significant Role in Providing Food for Children

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 0 comments
The Akshaya Patra Foundation serves food to 1.3 million school children in India every day. It is also the world’s largest NGO-run mid-day meal programme. It works towards the vision that “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.” The vision of the Foundation itself shows the significance of food in education. Akshaya Patra is a Bangalore based Indian NGO. It works towards an educated future and so it provides “unlimited food for education”.

The reason behind this initiative is the million children in India who are capable and dream of achieving big in life. The only factor that holds them back is unavailability of primary resources like food, and an opportunity to attend school. These children require earning for their meal by themselves and thus missing out on regular schooling. This is the reason why Akshaya Patra provides food for children in need so that they can learn and achieve their dreams. The mid-day meal provided by Akshaya Patra not only acts as an incentive for these children to come to school but concurrently allows them to get educated too.

There are many Government Schemes and Programmes related to compulsory primary education, right to education, health, and nutrition. Many NGOs in India work towards the Government initiatives so that the impact of these schemes can be larger. Akshaya Patra runs its mid-day meal programme under the aegis of Central and State Governments. Currently it reaches out to more than 9000 Government schools and Government-aided schools across India.

The Foundation sees the potential of education in breaking the cycle of poverty and illiteracy. This is the reason the Foundation has strategically expanded its operations across India to reach more and more children in India. In 2000, the Foundation began implementing its programme by feeding 1500 children in five Government schools in Bangalore. The support of Government, generous contributions from Corporate and Individual donors and the focussed and sincere efforts of the Foundation have enabled Akshaya Patra to serve its billionth meal since inception in August 2012.

Working in a Public- Private Partnership model the Foundation’s operations is spread across the country covering 19 locations in 9 states. Studies show that the mid-day meal has many positive impacts in the health and academics of the children in India. The school enrolment has increased, academic performance and concentration of the children have improved; and there has been a significant decrease in school drop-out rate.

The most important thing for this NGO in India is the dream of each child. It is for these dreams that the Foundation is working tirelessly to provide at least one wholesome meal with the objective that it brings children to school, help them to get educated, and give them the freedom to aspire and achieve. In doing so, like many NGOs in India and abroad, Akshaya Patra too needs help and support from the society.

You too can be a part in building a tomorrow that is educated and free from hunger. You can take up the role of a donor, volunteer, fund raiser, blogger or spread the word through personally or through social media. Come forward, join The Akshaya Patra Foundation. Along with being a part of the Indian NGO that is also ranked 23rd among Top 100 NGOs in the world; you will also help Akshaya Patra in providing food for children in India.

by Akshaya Patra Foundation

Early Inclusion for Children With Disabilities

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 0 comments
While it is true for all children that early education and developmental efforts go a long way to empowering healthy and fulfilled adults, this particularly applies to children with disabilities. Despite more vulnerability to developmental risks, young children with disabilities often have insufficient access to mainstream programs and services. Difficulties stemming from inadequate government policy, negative attitudes and lack of physical access make a challenging situation even tougher. If these children and their parents are not provided with timely and appropriate early intervention, support and protection, there may be severe long-term consequences, increased poverty and profound exclusion.

All children need support to reach their full potential, including parenting, play and educational efforts, to develop social skills, language, and physical and cognitive capacity. Many children with disabilities also require early medical, therapeutic and clinical intervention, which the United Nations has declared a right. The first three years of a child's life are critical in developing essential characteristics of future growth and for those with disabilities it is a window of time when the risk of future disability can be minimized. This is when partnerships and referral processes can be formed with health clinics and disability service providers. In the home, knowledge from a personal support worker course helps identify children who would benefit from further outside help. Self-help groups and organizations can be facilitated for parents to share information and seek training while a space is provided for the children to play.

Early childhood inclusion can be promoted by increasing access to a variety of organizational and community contexts, using a wide range of instructional approaches to foster participation in play and learning activities, particularly a sense of belonging, and developmental supports. It requires a fundamental shift in attitudes by society, ensuring primary schools are nurturing, welcoming environments and teachers have adequate training and support to encourage every child to reach their full potential. Inclusive pre-school and primary schooling necessitates additional investments in accessible facilities, flexible teaching methods and educational resources, which ultimately benefit all children.

Current early intervention systems are highly fragmented with parents in rural communities often having to travel long distances to reach support from children's hospitals or specialized schools. There have been recent efforts to integrate the many support services (health, education, speech and language, therapists, etc.) to enable smoother transitions to the school system. With municipalities and school boards sharing responsibilities, there will be challenges to open communication and erode territorialism but also great potential to make lasting differences for children, their families and the school system as a whole. Elementary teachers without specific developmental training can be assisted by educators from an early childhood college working with this inclusive approach. Evidence suggests inclusive, family-based early intervention with a long-term focus significantly reduces the number of children in special education programs later in school and enables children with lifelong disabilities to become happier, more productive members of society.

by Patrick Quinn

The European Paediatric Initiative its Impact on Medicines for Children

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 0 comments
Children (particularly those 0-28 days old i.e. neonates) respond to drugs in a very different way to adults. Typically, doses in children are calculated by weight and occasionally by body surface area but the dose should never exceed the maximum adult dose. This, however, is only a guide as for some drugs children require a higher dose per kilogram than adults because of their higher metabolic rates. In addition, working out dosage by weight should not be applied to an overweight child as it could result in a much higher dose being administered than is actually necessary, safe or desirable. In this instance, the dose has to be calculated using the ideal weight and not actual weight. To say that a child is half the size of an adult and therefore should receive half the adult dose is too simplistic and could well be dangerous.

The British National Formulary (BNF) for Children provides healthcare professionals with up-to-date information on the use of medicines for treating children both within the realms of the medicine's licence (Marketing Authorisation) and for "off-label" use i.e. the use of licensed medicines (in adults) for unlicensed uses. This resource is invaluable for the effective and safe treatment of children.

The use of unlicensed and "off-label" medicines in children has caused concern, however, throughout the EU for a number of years now as at least 50% of medicines used to treat children have never been tested in children, only adults. This lack of supporting data for the treatment of children was felt to have contributed to an unacceptable number of adverse events. As a result of this, and the overall need to improve on the information available, the European Paediatric Initiative came into being with a new EU Paediatric Regulation1 entered into force on 26 January 2007.

This new regulation has several implications with the overall purpose being to provide "better medicines for children"2 and these are as follows:

New product marketing authorisations

From July 2008 any new products which were not authorised within the EU before 26 January 2007 have to include results of studies carried out in children. These studies must comply with an agreed Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) unless, of course, a deferral or waiver has been agreed with the EMEA. A waiver may be granted, for example, when a new medicine is intended to treat a condition which only occurs in adults (for example Parkinson's disease). As an incentive for pharmaceutical companies, once authorisation has been granted for a paediatric indication the new medicine is then eligible for a 6 month extension of its patent protection. This patent protection is further extended for Orphan-designated medicines by another 18 months giving a total of 12 years of exclusivity (as opposed to 10 years).

Existing product marketing authorisations

From 26 January 2009, the requirements above will also apply to marketing authorisation variations.

Paediatric-use Marketing Authorisation (PUMA)

This is a new marketing authorisation which applies to off-patent medicines which have been developed specifically for paediatric use. Again, product development must comply with the agreed PIP and provided there is compliance, a pharmaceutical company will benefit from 10 years of data protection.

Paediatric Investigation Plans (PIPs)

Otherwise known as a "drug development plan" this is a development plan which ensures the collection of relevant data from studies in children (when it is safe to do so). It must include details of these studies and the ways in which the medicine has been adapted to make it suitable for children. For example, children will more readily swallow a syrup than a tablet. In some instances studies in children will be deferred until the studies in adults have been completed. This ensures that studies in children are carried out only when it is safe, and ethical, to do so. Of course, there are some illnesses which do not affect children which means a PIP will not be required and hence 'waived'.

For many companies the Paediatric Regulation is a completely new challenge and, up until recently, they will not have incorporated it into their business strategy. With ever decreasing headcount, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep up-to-speed with all the latest legislation and the implications of enforcement. Regulatory Consultancies such as GRS can help companies by offering the services of senior regulatory professionals who already have working knowledge and experience of the Paediatric Regulation. With the pharmaceutical industry, the Health Authorities and regulatory professionals working together we can have a positive effect on the development, availability and safety of medicines for the treatment of children and improve the availability of information on the use of these medicines. This new legislation may be challenging and time consuming however it will provide a safer future for our children.

1 Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on medicinal products for paediatric use, amended by Regulation (EC) No 1902/2006.

2 Source: EMEA

by Greer Deal